Friday, July 12, 2024

New for 2024 - The Kscope100 (Positions 11-20)

So who is really responsible for the success of Kscope24? Is it your Kscope Executive Officer? Not a chance. Your ODTUG President? Not single handedly, no.

I'll attempt to answer that question as I unveil the Kscope100. Between now and the conference, I'll count down the 100 individuals identified as most influential to the success of Kscope24.  Stay tuned to see where you rank!

The ranking takes into account 6 factors. Board involvement, Conference Committee involvement, Content reviewers, Abstracts submitted, Abstracts accepted, and finally I asked ChatGPT to provide an influence ranking.

If you have an issue with the Kscope100, I want you to breathe, then drop me a comment. Just understand I won’t be bought…but I can be rented.

**No Kscope attendees were harmed in this process, but a few were tickled mercilessly!

(Positions 1-10 TBA)

11. Tracy McMullen, GoEPM
12. Gabrielle Prichard, Oracle
13. Valli Ramanathan, Freddie Mac
14. Marco Pereira, Viscosity
15. Adrian Png, Insum
16. Abi Giles-Haigh, Capgemini
17. Richard Niemiec, Viscosity
18. Brett Rooks, Peleton
19. Karen Cannell, TH Technology
20. Holger Friedrich, SumIT AG

21. Rafal Grzegorczyk, Pretius
22. Josie Manzano-Stettler, Argano
23. Brian Marshall, Olympus Consulting
24. Dimitri Gielis, United Codes
25. Opal Alapat, Independent
26. Philipp Hartenfeller, United Codes
27. Jake Turrell, Turrell Consulting
28. Wayne Van Sluys, Argano
29. Alex Nuijten, allAPEX
30. Craig Shallahamer, Viscosity

31. Richard Martens, SMART4Solutions
32. Patrick Barel, Qualogy
33. Kai Yu, Independent
34. Edelweiss Kammermann, IT Convergence
35. Dave Zykan, Oracle
36. Jerry Ward, Viscosity
37. Anne Vicente, CORE Business Consulting
38. Matt Mulvaney, Pretius
39. Mia Urman, AuraPlayer
40. Amy Simpson-Grange, Capgemini

41. Heli Helskyaho, Miracle Finland Oy
42. Basheer Khan, Knex Technology
43. Dustin Long, Kroger
44. John Taylor, RSM
45. Katherine Price 🚀, Oracle
46. Mike R.ussell, Oracle
47. Alex Zaballa, Oracle
48. Melinda McGough-Bingham, Argano
49. Naresh Kumar Miriyala, Meta
50. Paul Lewis, Argano

51. William Posey, Argano
52. Robert Zane Warton, Datavail
53. Matthias Heilos, EPM Amplify
54. David Pabst, CPA/CITP, Alithya
55. Christoph Ruepprich, Oracle
56. Richard Soule, Insum
57. Samuel Alejandro Campos Herros, CGI
58. Kim Berg Hansen, Cegal Danmark
59. Peter Koletzke, Independent
60. Debra Lilley, Inoapps

61. Mark Hornick, Oracle
62. Moritz Klein, Hyand
63. Mike Casey, Oracle
64. Chian Lin, Centroid Systems
65. Roger Cressey, Brovanture Ltd
66. Shankar Vaiswanathan, Oracle
67. Caroline Stenpeck, Alithya
68. Glen Lambert, Dave and Busters
69. Maik Becker, TRIOLOGY gmbH
70. Elizabeth Garcia, LANL

71. Mirela Ardelean, Equip gmbH
72. Rahul Kamath, Oracle
73. Richard Allen, Flowquest Consulting
74. Tim Gaumont, Oracle
75. John Harding, Argano
76. Rodolfo Rodriguez, Viscosity
77. Roel Hartman, APEX Consulting
78. Andrew Laferla, Alithya
79. Katie McCorkle, Centroid Systems
80. Nick Boronski, Oracle

81. Dani Schnider, Callista
82. Eric Erikson, PQR Company
83. Erik Espinoza, Viscosity
84. Glen Chang, Independent
85. Gustavo Gonzalez, Knex Technology
86. Kevin Whalen, Argano
87. Robert Gideon, Argano
88. Scott Costello, Elire
89. Suzy Gallivan, Peloton
90. Blaine Carter, Oracle

91. Natalie Delemar, PwC

92. Lydia Maksoud, Brovanture Ltd

93. Michael Rosenblum, Dulcian

94. Janis Griffin, Quest Software

95. Trey Daniel, EPM Insight

96. Jennifer Nicholson, Oracle

97. Marc Sewtz, Oracle

98. Al Marciante, Oracle

99. Christian Gohmann, Accenture

100. Jonathan Dixon, Cloud Nueva

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